Chief Executive of Scottish Enterprise visits award-winning Selkirk-based company H2Ology

H2Ology will welcome Scottish Enterprise chief executive, Lena Wilson to its Selkirk facility today (5th March) to learn more of the success the company has achieved and hear first hand of its ambitious aims and objectives for the future.

Established in 2007 H2Ology brings to the UK market new and innovative solutions in the collection, distribution, treatment and recirculation of water. The company has a number of divisions ranging from waste water discharge, recycling and water management to usage minimisation and the Advanced Treatment Station (ATS) family of products for which there are world-wide Patents in conjunction with their relationship with the University of Edinburgh.

Lena Wilson, chief executive of Scottish Enterprise said: “H2Ology is an excellent example of a forward-thinking company that has successfully innovated and collaborated to achieve that globally competitive edge.

“The company consistently demonstrates a real ambition and drive to continue to be the best at what it does and to constantly find new ways of harnessing technology in order to deliver more efficient and cost competitive methods of water treatment and management.

“H2Ology is a highly entrepreneurial business that maintains an outstanding reputation in its field as it proactively searches for new, emerging opportunities to grow its business. Innovation such as this is key to the Government’s recently updated Economic Recovery Plan which aims to accelerate recovery and boost the long term performance of Scotland’s economy.”

As part of her visit to the company Lena will meet with Richard Palmer, chief executive, H2Ology who said: “Scottish Enterprise introduced me to H2Ology in the first instance and since then has played a much-valued role in helping us achieve our ambitious growth targets and will continue to play a pivotal role in the months and years to come.  I am delighted to welcome Lena to our facility. The support we have received from Scottish Enterprise over the last eighteen months has been crucial to our success and this visit will allow Lena to gain a deeper understanding of exactly how valuable this support has been.”

Scottish Enterprise has worked with H2Ology since 2007 on a range of support activities and strategic developments.  The company currently employs 10 people at their Selkirk and Edinburgh facilities.

During her trip Lena will also visit Selkirk-based companies Qube GB Ltd and Spark Energy.

Notes to editors

The ATS family provides Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) of various shapes and sizes from a garage forecourt to a car park right through to 25-metre 50,000 litre capacity SUDS installations for road water run-off, gully trucks and road sweepers where the system successfully removes silts, hydro carbons, pesticides and heavy metals. 

The ATS family has recently been extended to include a Plus programme that now allows H2Ology to re-cycle solids either to landfill or back into industry therefore meeting the Government's renewable criteria in the construction industry. 

The company has also now developed a Mobile version so that they can deal with the challenges on a localised basis. 

H2Ology has recently developed a totally unique automatic solution for potential Legionella monitoring including a full installation and funding package that meets all Health & Safety executive requirements for the control of Legionella bacteria in water systems.  This new automatic programme will be available for launch initially in Scotland by the end of April and then the whole UK market by 2011

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