Poonam Malik Portrait Landscape

Role models and mentorship key to gender equality

As we celebrate International Women's Day 2021, Scottish Enterprise board member and GlobalScot Dr Poonam Malik highlights the positive impact diversity can have on business

Today is International Women’s Day (IWD), a United Nations’-supported annual event that both celebrates the achievements of women and serves as a clarion call for gender equality.

We should use this occasion to spotlight all the budding and brilliant women scientists, entrepreneurs, business leaders, innovators, investors and home builders out there, and those fortunate to work and live with them.

McKinsey’s seminal report, Delivering Through Diversity, showed companies in the top-quartile for gender diversity on executive teams were 21% more likely to outperform on profitability and 27% more likely to have superior value creation.

Progress is being made and work has been done on getting women into executive positions at firms.  Recent research showed that women now make up more than a third of top jobs at the UK's 350 largest firms, while the number of women on boards has risen 50% from 682 to 1,026 in five years. 

All of these women will be a role model to someone.

However, global milestones such as IWD are vital in reminding the world that despite the progress that has been made, gender parity has still not been achieved. 

It’s incumbent on all of us, whether in business, government, academia or the arts, to think every day, not just on IWD, about how our actions help achieve gender equality and better inclusion.  And an effective way of doing this is creating role-models.

You can’t be what you can’t see. 

This one sentence captures the whole essence of the diversity debate.

When I arrived in Scotland from India exactly 22 years ago, I could not see many women of colour in positions of influence in science, business or politics.  Reflecting upon my career that developed from not knowing a single person in the UK to today, I’ve been privileged to receive so many incredible opportunities.

These include having mentors who believed in my potential, serving on the board of Scottish Enterprise, becoming a Court Member at the University of Highlands & Islands and joining the prestigious GlobalScot diaspora network.  In these roles, I’ve made it my mission to highlight the importance of having diverse leaders that the next generation can aspire to.

Role-models and mentorship from senior colleagues cannot be underestimated.  Look across the Pond at the positive reaction to Kamala Harris becoming the United States’ first female vice president and the first Asian American and first African American vice president as testament to that. 

However, business and academia remain guilty of not having a diverse make-up.  Progress in diverse female representation at the highest level remains fragile and slow. 

Women and ethnic minorities continue to be under-represented in senior leadership roles and this has a detrimental impact on the chances of women-led businesses becoming successful.  Indeed in 2019, less than 3% of all venture capital investment went to women-led companies.

Despite women holding 46% of the UK’s wealth, less than 6% Angel Investors in Scotland are women: a direct correlation is less than 2% of venture funding going to female-founder companies as the Rose Review established and less than 0.6% to people of colour.

So, how do we get more female and diverse role models in positions of power and influence?  One way is challenging the status quo and not just accepting things as they are.  How apt, therefore, the theme of this year’s IWD is Choose to Challenge.

This was one of the subjects discussed at a recent GlobalScot virtual panel discussion I chaired to coincide with IWD 2021. 

Our event consisted of leading GlobalScots, all of whom have made a significant impact in their chosen field.  The conversation was incredibly powerful, with questions about diversity and the bottom-line, conversations with the right people, the power of networks and the impact of COVID-19 on gender parity all passionately debated. 

One thing we all agreed on was the power of GlobalScots to spotlight the incredible, diverse women in Scotland.  There’s no shortage of female talent here, all it needs is more exposure, something that our well-connected GlobalScot network can do internationally.

Here in Scotland, we need all our people, organisations and businesses to ensure women leaders are supported and offered the same opportunities as their male peers.  There are some fantastic projects that are doing just that.

For example, Scottish Enterprise’s Principally Women programme supports female business leaders to gain the right skills and confidence to reach senior positions, Investing Women focuses on changing the face of angel investing and helping more women realise their growth potential, while Changing The Chemistry, champions increasing and enriching diversity of all kinds sustainably on all types of Boards.

As an organisation Scottish Enterprise has also created many employee-affinity groups for its people, including on Gender Balance.  This provides support and new thinking on gender equality issues, particularly on a more equal uptake of family leave.

These programmes are placing Scotland on the right path.  But with the challenges of COVID-19, more can be done to ensure gender parity.  We should harness the potential of women to be agents of positive societal change for Scotland and beyond, who will help play a key role in the global economic recovery.

All of us should commit to:

  • Enhancing mentoring and training opportunities for women business founders
  • Making available investment for female businesses to recover better and faster
  • Providing platform opportunities to young, diverse people of colour and BAME women to make their work visible and their voices more prominent, and
  • Advocating for a sustainable future of work policy environment and flexible, open and transparent funding for business ‘Fempreneurs’

So, as we mark IWD, let’s ensure our efforts extend beyond one day a year. 

Let’s help build a pipeline of diverse talent from the grassroot levels for succession planning of tomorrow’s leaders.  Let’s collaborate, promote and celebrate our female colleagues.  And let’s ensure they are the role models for future generations.

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Notes to editors

Dr Malik's International Women's Day article was originally published by Scottish Business Insider and you can view this here: https://www.insider.co.uk/news/role-models-mentorship-key-gender-23625916