Scottish Enterprise chief executive meets innovative Lockerbie company

Lockerbie-based Kilco will welcome Scottish Enterprise chief executive Lena Wilson today (19 March) to hear about the company’s significant growth achievements of over 15% in the last year, despite the recession, and its future ambitions to develop its international sales.

Family owned Kilco, which prides itself in being an innovation-led company, specialise in the manufacture of animal health, biosecurity and dairy hygiene products from its purpose built facility in Lockerbie.  It is considered to be one of the market leaders in each of these sectors, largely driven by innovative products and services. 

With core markets in the UK and Ireland, Kilco also export its products and services to over 46 countries worldwide. 

Lena Wilson, chief executive of Scottish Enterprise said “Innovation is about doing things differently in order to grow your business, and Kilco has created a culture of innovation to give it greater competitive advantage. 

“This globally competitive company has demonstrated how accessing new international markets can lead to higher levels of growth, which is why the Scottish Government has highlighted internationalisation as a priority to accelerate Scotland’s economic recovery.”

Lena will meet Dr Matt Miller, Kilco’s general manager during her visit.  Kilco’s owner and managing director Gerry McGladery said “Our business model is based around innovation and using this to maintain and grow our market position, both in the UK and internationally.  Scottish Enterprise’s assistance in many different areas has been invaluable in helping us to achieve this.”

The company has worked closely with Scottish Enterprise for a number of years including support to establish distribution networks internationally, innovation support towards the development of new products, organisational and workforce development advice and assistance to develop its website platform.

During her visit Lena will also visit Bibliographic Data Services, the premier source of industry-standard information on publications and home entertainment releases, based in Dumfries.

Contact Information

Julia McLaren

Engagement Partner

Scottish Enterprise

0300 013 3223

07801 794046