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Scottish Enterprise

New-look Scottish Enterprise open for business

Scottish Enterprise (SE) begins a new chapter today (April 1, 2008) with a refreshed and refocused remit as Scotland’s enterprise, innovation and investment agency supporting business growth and developing the business environment.
Scottish Enterprise

Enterprise Fellowships helping Scotland's technology businesses succeed

A joint Scottish Enterprise and Royal Society of Edinburgh programme is helping to create successful early stage Scottish technology companies which have the potential to grow quickly, sustainably and internationally, creating more growing companies for Scotland’s economic benefit
Scottish Enterprise

Scotland's Tourism sector to gain from outdoor activity market

Tourism businesses operating in Scotland's Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park are gathering tomorrow, 18 March 2008, to maximise the area's potential and collectively boost the local economy through developing and exploiting the fast growing outdoor activity tourism market.
Scottish Enterprise

Scotland's latest innovative research projects announced

The latest innovative projects from Scotland's universities and research institutions to be supported by Scottish Enterprise's Proof of Concept Programme were announced at an awards ceremony yesterday (12 March 2008) at The Hub, Edinburgh.
Scottish Enterprise

Lanarkshire business excellence award winners announced

Eleven Lanarkshire companies are celebrating their success after being voted the best in the region by a panel of judges
Scottish Enterprise

Glasgow smiles into Euro top ten

Glaswegians are among the most optimistic in Europe about their quality of life and economic prospects
Scottish Enterprise

Fife Energy Week to showcase Scotland's energy potential

A week long programme of events geared to capitalise on the unique attributes for the renewables and associated energy sectors in Scotland, will take place next week during the inaugural Fife Energy Week 2008.
Scottish Enterprise

Business finalists announced for Cameron House showdown

The cream of Dunbartonshire’s companies will gather on the shores of Loch Lomond next week for the biggest event in the corporate calendar, the Business Excellence Awards 2008.
Scottish Enterprise

Service excellence vital to future of Scottish tourism

More than 200 Scottish tourism businesses are expected to attend a major conference next month which will underline the critical role excellence in customer service will continue to play in the future of Scotland's tourism industry.
Scottish Enterprise

D3 investment brings advanced medical testing to Scotland

Strathclyde University spin out company D3 Technologies Ltd today announced it is to establish a research and development and processing base for clinical molecular diagnostic products in Glasgow, which will lead to quicker and more effective detection and treatment of diseases.
Scottish Enterprise

Cream of Tayside companies revealed as business award finalists

Twenty five of Tayside’s top companies are to go head-to-head in this year’s prestigious Tayside Business Excellence Awards